So for my 35th birthday, I made a promise to myself to live my life like its Golden (Queue Jilly from Philly). I make time for what I have to do rather than making time for things that I want to do. My weekend routine is just that…a routine. During the week is work and school. And don’t get me started with my life when my kid is playing sports! I decided that now would be a great time to add a little “me time” into the equation.
I grew up ripping and running the freeways of southern California with my older sister and my mom. My dad skipped the weekend shopping trips and random museum visits, but he was always there for our family vacations and road trips up and down the coast. What I never realized is how much effort my parents put into plotting and planning activities for us. I never saw how those times we spent in the car, airplanes and hotels brought us closer as a family.
Confession: I’m from Los Angeles. I believe/know that it is THE best city on the planet for a multitude of reasons such as access to culture and events. See previous blog post for how I felt about Arizona and hanging out possibilities.
I started talking to co workers about hiking as I’m surrounded by tons of mountains. I was told by friends that there was no way I’d get on any mountain and walk around. So just for that…Jr and I hit South Mountain. We had no clue what we were doing and our legs shook for about 30 minutes afterwards, but we had such a great time!! So I decided that we would continue to hike as a team on the weekends. And so it began….adding a life into my routine.
What I didn’t expect was how tiring golden living is! Lol! I am so used to a routine of work, taking my son to practice and games and errands that actually adding me having a life really drains me. Now I’m getting invited to things and even though my instinct is to say no, I go because I never want to get into the rut of just going day by day again.
I have to keep going…have to continue to get out and see things and experience life. It helps that I bring my son with me for a lot of things so he can live his little 9 year old life like its golden as well. I realize that by him getting in the habit of living life that it is something he’ll continue to do as he gets older. And that would be the icing on the cake for me. Living life to its fullest is the best lesson I can leave him.